Category: Family

Get ready for Potty Training With 5 Dad-Proof Tips

Get ready for Potty Training With 5 Dad-Proof Tips

After 2.5 years of buying diapers and wiping up poop, we decided it was time to start potty training. And boy was I unprepared. Hudson had been communicating very clearly when he was going potty or pooping in his diaper and had been consistently using Continue Reading

My 5 Simple Must-Do Daily Habits

My 5 Simple Must-Do Daily Habits

According to research, at least 40% of what we do and how we do it every day is habitual, essentially on autopilot. That’s 40% of our energy, time, and resources on doing things without really thinking about what we’re doing or why we’re doing it. Continue Reading

A Step-by-Step Guide for a Daily Routine

A Step-by-Step Guide for a Daily Routine

They say the best way to learn is to “dive right in.” Well, not if you don’t know how to swim. A daily routine is about learning to swim.

A daily routine isn’t about being rigid and having no flexibility causing you to sink on your first attempt. It’s about having a structure that allows you to glide through the day, the weeks, the months, and the years in a balanced, healthy way.

Pre-Hudson, both my wife and I did pretty much what we wanted when we wanted. Emily always was better about structuring her day – working out in the morning, dedicating a work shut-off point, etc. I was always much more fluid and jumped at every ask – work or otherwise – without much consideration toward anyone or anything.

Quite frankly all that jumping became exhausting! In theory, I was being successful – I was working all the time and doing “stuff.” However, I felt run-down, had hit a pretty low point in my relationship with Emily, and had no balance of being a dad with being an executive.

I could feel the toll it was taking on me, not to mention the very obvious lack of support I was giving my family. I also began to notice how aware Emily was and how much was getting done in an effective way. Her headspace was healthy and her daily routine had me green with envy. She was taking care of herself physically and mentally. I got a little jealous because she had seemingly figured it out.

Turns out, it was her daily routine, which was on point and mine was non-existent.

If you’re a Dad and a Husband, I’m thinking this is resonating with you, am I right?

While I still didn’t know how to swim, per se, I figured I had to at least try to doggy-paddle and make some changes to get a daily routine going.

Right away, I implemented these three things:

  1. Exercise regularly. By exercise regularly I don’t mean working out intensely every day for an hour running and lifting weights. I mean, create a manageable workout routine to keep my “dad bod” in reasonable shape and get my blood flowing.
  2. Prioritize personal development and my mental health. I decided to go for a walk every day and listen to a podcast. Not an ESPN podcast about the latest scores, but a podcast that would feed my brain and make me think and feel. Rob Dial and his Mindset Mentor podcast is my go-to.
  3. Make healthier food choices. Turns out I have majorly high cholesterol (I’m basically a solid) and my body could really use some healthier options instead of Zaxby’s and cold-cut sandwiches. I started drinking a smoothie every morning and incorporated Super Greens.

Once I started to nail these three things I was able to focus on building a daily routine around these habits. This allowed me to add the structure to my day and identify the things I need to always create space for – personal hygiene (showering is a must) but more specifically my family, myself, and work.

Now, more than 12 months into my daily routine, the differences in my day-to-day and relationships are significant. The payoff for me and my structure is one thing, but my ability to be a better husband (trying to be the best) and a great dad (also trying to be the best) is even bigger.

My Daily Routine

Here are the nitty-gritty details of my daily routine morning until night.

  • 4:00 am Start the Day: My alarm goes off and I start the day with a long shower, shaving my head, and generally waking up.
  • 4:50 am Workout and Hydrate: I head downstairs to make a pre-workout drink and mix up my Super Greens.
  • 5:30 am Journal and Reflect: Every morning I complete a journal entry in my High-Performance Journal. This helps me get my mind right and reflect on myself as a person.
  • 6:00 am Work: I spend time catching up with my emails, and my team. I prep for the day by reviewing my calendar, processing high-priority tasks, etc.
  • 6:30 am Family Time: Hudson is not into sleeping in, so by 6:30 am he has usually been up for a while. From 6:30 am until he leaves for school with Emily is a family time where we play, ease into the day with a movie or show, have some breakfast, etc. I dedicate this time to the three of us.
  • 7:15 am School Time: Hudson and Emily head to school around 7:15 am every morning. I get his school bag ready and settle him into the car.
  • 7:30 am Me Time: I head out for my 45 min walk around the neighborhood where I listen to (at the moment) my favorite podcast, The Mindset Mentor, and enjoy some music. This walk, for me, is as much of a mental need as it is physical. Whether it is cold, raining, snowing, or 110 degrees, it doesn’t matter – this walk helps to set my mental path for how I enter the working day, and it honestly has become one of my favorite things to do for and with myself.
  • 8:30 am Breakfast: I blend up my smoothie which is a combination of Collagen Peptides protein powder, chia seeds, some greens, and fruit combined with plant-based milk. This is my body fuel.
  • 8:45 am Work: I spend this time until 4:00 pm, getting in my workload. Between Noon and 1 pm, I’ll stop to eat lunch and have a cold shower to wake me up for the rest of the day.
  • 4:00 pm Family Time: I pick Hudson up every day at 4 pm from school. I look forward to seeing his big smile! Once Hudson and I get home, Emily is typically getting things ready for dinner so either Hudson and I will play in the living room or Hudson will request to cook with momma. We then typically eat dinner between 4:30 pm and 5 pm (a toddler-friendly time).
  • 6:15 pm Bathtime and Hudson’s Bedtime: We head upstairs for bathtime which consists of toys and a lot of splashing. We get Hudson ready for bed together and Emily reads stories and sings songs before he falls asleep.
  • 6:45 pm Work Wrap-up and Me Time: I use this time to wrap up my workday and organize myself for the next day. I also use this time to do an evening journal entry and reflect on the day.
  • 8:00 pm Mom & Dad Time: By now, I finally get 1:1 time with my wife and it’s the best. We enjoy a cocktail together and a TV show or two, usually something on HGTV or Netflix.
  • 9:00 pm Adult Bedtime: Time for bed to rest and wake up for another good day.

It hasn’t always been easy to get it going and I’ve had some bumps in the road sticking to it, but I would also be lost without it.

Copy mine, make yours, whatever – but dive in. You’ll learn to swim along the way and be better for it.

Cheers to our daily routine, Dads!

Real Perspective on being a Mom for 2 Years

Real Perspective on being a Mom for 2 Years

Our ever wild, super sweet, and extremely silly little guy is a full two years old! This means I’ve been a Mom for two years. How’d that happen? Time goes fast and slows all at the same time! Of all the milestones I’ve experienced so Continue Reading

7 Tips to Plan a Fun and Casual Toddler Birthday Party

7 Tips to Plan a Fun and Casual Toddler Birthday Party

There is a lot of pressure, especially on moms, to plan the perfect birthday party for their kids. Planning a birthday party takes a lot of work and can add stress to something that should be fun and exciting. I’ve pulled together some ideas and Continue Reading

Why You Should Encourage Self Play Activities for Your Child

Why You Should Encourage Self Play Activities for Your Child

Here are the top 3 ways to encourage your child to enjoy their own company while self-soothing through self play activities.

Okay, so you read the title and think I’m clueless when it comes to the enormous demands of child-rearing or perhaps think I’m just a lazy new dad trying to cop out of my responsibilities. Hold on, Karen. I’m not proposing you leave your kid alone and go off to play 18-holes, but I am suggesting that part of being a great dad is allowing your child to have self play time where he can have some independence and learn to negotiate blocks of time by himself in a safe, fun way.

As new dads, we are under constant pressure to ensure our kids are constantly busy and active. Whether it’s baby classes on massage or stimulation techniques or toddler Soccer leagues, our schedules can start to look like a game of Tetris as we rush from one activity to the next. The truth is kids, just like their parents, need active time, but they also need ‘time out’ for themselves. This is where self play comes into the picture!

So how do you teach your baby or toddler to be independent, self-sufficient, and enjoy self play? By allowing them a safe space and dedicated time to play alone with established self play activities.

Here are some tips that work for us to encourage self play. They may just work for you too.

#1: Create safe spaces for self play

“Alone-time” (self play) doesn’t mean letting your child’s inner diva run free unsupervised. Create a guided and safe environment for them to self play. Every morning when my son, Hudson, wakes up, we don’t rush to his room. Instead, we get to sleep in and allow him to decide when he needs us. We know he is safe in his crib, and we have a video monitor with extensive sound settings, and we’ll be instantly alerted if he needs us.

Hudson typically spends this time talking with his ‘friends’, his stuffed bear (aka Teddy), and his stuffed dog (aka Woof Woof). It’s a ‘win’-win,’ giving us folks some time to get ready for the day and be present when Hudson does call out for us to come to get him for his morning repeat of “Go Dog Go.”

#2: Develop self play techniques early on.

Self play and healthy “me-time” don’t just happen on their own. Dropping your kid in the playpen without any warning and walking off to grab a drink will not go down well with your little one. Creating more opportunities for “alone-time” (self play) will allow your child to warm up to the idea.

We started early on with Hudson. Every time he has a tantrum (which with toddlers usually starts as a whine and quickly evolves into a full-blown meltdown in about 20 seconds), we quickly pick him up, or if he is too worked up, we sit next to him and sing him a song. The monotone tune calms him down and triggers him to relax. We then are able to re-direct him to a new activity that he can do on his own (self-play) without intervention from us allowing him to feel independent and relaxed.

We feel this process teaches him about his emotions and offers him ways to not only deal with them in heightened states but also what can do afterward (self play activities) that are still relaxing but engaging for him to have his alone time.

#3: Make self play fun.

Many first-time dads may feel the urge to protect their children, and leaving them alone in the morning or at night may play on your guilt. Reframe self play as a fun time for your child and allow them to model you enjoying your own me-time. Find out more about how I schedule me-time here.

Self play is more about allowing your child to explore their interests. Show them some ideas like constructing a giant tower out of lego or hosting a teddy bear picnic and then walk off while they try it out themselves. Hudson loves art, so we equip him with some washable markers and paints (always check the label) and some paper and he is good to go for a while.

Encouraging your child to enjoy their own company with self play activities is good for your little one and good for dad (and mom). So throw the guilt in the trash and enjoy watching your kid hang out on his own a bit. It won’t make you a bad dad; it’ll make you a great one.

The Easy and Effective Daily Dad Workout

The Easy and Effective Daily Dad Workout

Do you find the only burpees you are doing these days are baby burping? Are those trusted barbell curls being replaced with bicep flexes, carrying the car seat to and from the car? Well, I have a quick sure-proof workout – the Dad Workout – Continue Reading

The Daily Dad Routine That Every New Dad Needs

The Daily Dad Routine That Every New Dad Needs

Here are my top 3 Daily Dad Routine tips to keep sane and become a better dad. I became a Dad and went straight into survival mode. Last summer, it got to a point where I felt totally lost. I was doing my best to Continue Reading

Super Greens Is The New Dad Survival Hack

Here are the top 3 reasons why new dads should switch up their daily caffeine dose with Super Greens.

Now before you throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater, hear me out. I know they say coffee is a first-time dad’s best friend. It’s hallmarked as the cure to every new dad’s survival problem. Sleep deprivation?… coffee, the baby is teething?… coffee, Baby Shark on repeat? …coffee? But what if that cup (you are probably chugging back right now) is keeping you awake long after your little one has dozed off?

The problem with coffee, as a crutch for sleep deprivation, is it actually makes you more tired. I know none of us would like to admit this. It’s a tempting fix when you feel like you are running on empty, the baby is screaming his lungs off and your wife looks like she just stepped off the set of Dawn of the Dead. But there is a better fix than coffee. 

I used to drink coffee and sugar as a crutch to ride the midday crash but the instant energy high it created would evaporate just as quickly. When I became a new dad, I needed something else to help me with the constant brain fog.

The days were all blurring into one, with no off button between work mode and home mode. So after just becoming a father for the first time, we endured the marathon evening of cluster feeding when Hudson was about 2.5 weeks old and I learned pretty quickly that caffeine was not the answer. I also learned that “sleeping like a baby” is the worst form of false advertising ever created (and I should know, I’m in marketing), but that’s a story for another day.

After 18 long months of wondering blindly through the long nights and demands of a new baby, I figured out the top 3 reasons to ditch the coffee and try something else instead. Here are my tried and tested top 3 ways to beat sleep deprivation.

#1: Swap out your morning coffee for Super Greens. 

Drinking coffee just as you wake up actually has a limited effect on your cortisol levels. Your body already produces cortisol in the morning, which naturally wakes you up, rendering that morning cup of coffee pretty much useless. So instead when I wake up,  I make my super greens smoothie and I follow that up with a pre-workout drink. This gives me an energy boost and improves my focus throughout the morning, rather than the spike in energy I was getting from coffee.

#2: A cold shower will give you more energy than a hot cup of coffee. 

Instead of reaching for yet another dose of caffeine to keep you going from work to home mode, I have found an all-natural way to re-energize yourself. And it’s so simple. A cold shower. Okay, I get it. I was skeptical too at the beginning but trust me it works. Wim Hoff has made cold therapy famous, but if the thought of ice blocks in a tub is not your cup of (caffeine-free) tea, a cold shower should do the trick. 

#3: Cardio over coffee for ‘dad’ brain any day. 

Replacing your mid-morning coffee with a round of exercise has proven to provide a mental boost similar to (if not better than) caffeine. I like to head out for my 45 min walk around the neighborhood where I listen to The Mindset Mentor. My daily walk is part of my daily routine and is as much about physical exercise as it is a mental reprieve. Whether it is cold, raining, snowing, or 110 degrees, I’m committed to this daily ritual.

To sum it up, Super Greens are your new best friend and the dude you want to hang out with. You’re a dad now. 

New Year, New Start

New Year, New Start

2021 is here, 2020 has passed. The year 2020 marked so much change and growth for me. I became a mom and learned a new type of love, I connected with lots of family and friends, and I grew my professional repertoire. However, if I’m Continue Reading