My 5 Simple Must-Do Daily Habits

My 5 Simple Must-Do Daily Habits

According to research, at least 40% of what we do and how we do it every day is habitual, essentially on autopilot. That’s 40% of our energy, time, and resources on doing things without really thinking about what we’re doing or why we’re doing it.

Our daily habits define who we are!

I’ve identified 5 simple must-do daily habits for myself that align with my goals and benefit my health and family.

My Daily Habits

#1: Drink 30 Ounces of Water

Water is the first thing my body receives every morning. I fill up my favorite Yeti tumbler to the brim with room temperature water and drink it until it’s gone. This habit ensures my body starts off with hydration fueling it (and my brain) for the day ahead – work, play, scooter rides, a run – whatever that may be.

#2: Exercise for 30 Minutes Each Day

Our bodies were made to move and I make sure to get mine going for a minimum of 30 minutes per day. For me, this looks like a variety of things, but always being intentional. I typically find myself with a day of running, two to three days with a long walk, two days of HIIT workouts, and multiple days of Hudson play time at the park, pool, or trampoline gym. My body and mind crave this and I’m unwavering in making it happen!

#3: Asleep by 9 pm

I’m an early riser (typically up by 4 am) and the morning is also when my brain works its best. To support that, I need to allow my body plenty of time to refuel, so I ensure I’m in bed and asleep by 9 pm, daily. Making sure this happens involves shutting my laptop down by 8:30 pm at the latest and letting my mind relax.

On the weekends this daily habit sometimes extends to 9:30 pm or 10:00 pm, but only if I know I can sleep later in the morning. And heck, it is the weekend.

#4: Create One Hour of Time for Myself

As an extroverted introvert, I need time by myself to re-charge. I can’t go-go-go without some alone time mixed in. I ensure that I carve out at least one hour for myself each day. Some days this gets combined with my exercise, such as walking the neighborhood with a podcast. On other days it’s brainstorming in the early morning with a cup of coffee. Other days, it’s literally cozying up on the couch and watching TV or napping (while Hudson naps, of course).

I rely on that hour of time to reset and ensure I get it each day.

#5: Family Time Starts at 4 pm

I love my career and genuinely enjoy my work. It’s very easy for me to just keep working, especially since I work from home. Setting the Family Time Starts at 4 pm boundary has given me more structure to my day by identifying an endpoint, but it has also given me the permission to switch into family mode. I start making dinner at this time and anxiously wait for Hudson to get home from school.

This habit creates balance for me without making me feel like I’ve lost something or let either side of myself (professional vs. mom vs. wife) down.

Each of my daily habits serves my life and makes things easier for me so I have more time and energy to give to my priorities on a daily basis. Habits are unforgettable components of our lives, but using them to our advantage is where their power lies!

What simple, daily habits can you start today?

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