Real Perspective on being a Mom for 2 Years

Real Perspective on being a Mom for 2 Years

Our ever wild, super sweet, and extremely silly little guy is a full two years old! This means I’ve been a Mom for two years. How’d that happen? Time goes fast and slows all at the same time!

Of all the milestones I’ve experienced so far as a Mom, two years old kept me waiting. Time slowed down leading up to it, giving me a hint (a big one) to pay attention and be present.

The changes from age one to age two have been major. In the last few months, Hudson has started climbing stairs on his own like a big kid, jumping off furniture multiple feet in the air, doing summersaults, and started talking in sentences. He has become adamant about what he wants and needs and is able to share this with us easily through words, pointing, and the occasional temper tantrum when it doesn’t go his way! His energy, curiosity, and emotions are at an all-time high; I love it!

Leading up to Hudson’s birthday celebration, I had nothing planned and was not prepared in the least. I had to give myself a lot of grace in that 48-hour window and just go with the flow accepting that our celebration would be casual and fun, and that’s ultimately how it turned out. 

I had dinosaur decor and boxed cake mixes delivered to the house 24 hours before Hudson’s birthday celebration and was bailed out by a local party planning and balloon decor business no less than an hour before we were actually going to start celebrating with a huge T-Rex balloon bouquet.

Everything worked out and Hudson had the best day! My husband and I said yes to pretty much anything he wanted to do that day and we celebrated in a super casual way – playing at the park followed by a pizza party, and a giant cupcake.

I’ve been told by many friends and family that age two is their favorite. Will it be my favorite? I have no idea! I’m pretty sure we hit the “terrible 2’s” around age one and a half, so I’m genuinely thinking that I’ll be grateful when we get through this year. However! Right now and for the months ahead, I’m going to focus on all the other stuff – the new phrases Hudson says, watching him grow into his personality, and the first time he said, “I love you!”

The birthday party is one thing – however perfect or imperfect, fancy and decorated or last minute and casual – being present in the day-to-day is far greater. Every day as a mom I’m reminded of this. It’s easy to get stressed out and wonder why this journey is hard, but I’ve learned that finding joy in the moments, taking a deep breath, and focusing on my sweet, loving, and curious kiddo is what is truly grounding. 

Hudson’s second birthday was perfect and the casual celebration with close family was the perfect no stress, easy-going celebration which are all the things Hudson loves. 

This second year of motherhood (as with every month of being a Mom) has been a perfect blend of chaos and beauty. I’ve learned so much about myself – my strength, how big my heart can grow, and my levels of patience and gratitude for so many (new) things. I find myself in a constant state of adaptation to both Hudson’s changes and also to life changes. In and amongst all of this, there is no doubt that these last two years, and in particular, this moment, to reflect on being a Mom for two years have surely reminded me how lucky I am to be Hudson’s mom.

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