Quarantine Exercise: A Non-Expert’s Guide

Quarantine Exercise: A Non-Expert’s Guide

You should know that while I’m writing about exercise and what it means for me during this time of quarantine, I am in no way trying to be the best at exercise… nor am I pretending to be an expert of any sort related to the field of exercise. That would be the biggest lie ever. I’m simply living in quarantine with my cute little family just like you, trying to get my abs back in my life, and doing what I can to ensure I do not come out of quarantine (whenever that may be) as the chubby mommy. 

I quickly realized that whatever I did for fitness and exercise during this time would have to be body weight-based (because weights of all kinds are sold out everywhere) and would need to be accomplishable in about 30 – 45 minutes (both because I have to workout during Hudson’s nap time and because I’m not trying to be the best at exercise). The bottom line, though, is that I made a commitment to myself that I would get 30 minutes of exercise every single day no matter what. Some days are easy and I’m ready and raring to go. Other days I’m swearing to  myself as I walk downstairs to start my sweat session. 

My primary exercise preference has a heavy emphasis on cardio. I love a good sweat. It makes me feel like I’m really doing something, you know? My second exercise preference are things that make me feel strong kind of like a she-woman. In a quest to incorporate these things every day here’s what I’ve come up with. 

  • Running. I announced to my husband that I was going to start running which meant I really had to do it. With the help of Verv, I genuinely feel like I’m crushing it and look forward to getting out there two times a week. The app includes beginner, intermediate, and advanced settings and will play music to match your running tempo. (Side note: The app recommends three times per week, but you know, not trying to be the best at exercise, two times per week suits me.)
  • Walking. Walking is great exercise and don’t let anyone tell you differently. Sure, maybe you won’t be dripping with sweat, but whatever. You’ll still have moved your body, burned many calories and perhaps took in some professional/personal development with a podcast or had a great 30-minute conversation with your partner.
  • Circuits. I’ve had great experiences with circuit-type exercise in the past and it remains one of my favorite ways to workout to this day. I’ve utilized my history of Orange Theory and use of previous workout apps along with darebee.com to build my own circuits during quarantine and have loved the results. I incorporate a minimum of 10 exercises that I repeat back to back three times plus an end-of-workout finisher that either includes one really hard exercise or up to three exercises combined that I repeat three times. The goal of the finisher is to leave me exhausted, but still with the essence of she-woman.
  • Yoga. While recovering from childbirth, Yoga became my saving grace and I’m still loving the practice. I’ve found SarahBeth Yoga on YouTube to be amazing. She creates completely accessible and focused sessions that emphasize strength, power, and flexibility. I consider myself the ultimate beginner at Yoga and am able to work my way through these sessions without issue. 

Throughout the 7-day week I incorporate each of these exercise options and it’s not always the same pattern, but I always include two circuit days and two running days with Yoga and walks in between. The bottom line is that I’m holding myself to those 30 minutes a day and getting my fitness on! If exercise is something you’ve missed during quarantine give some of these ideas and resources a try. Do what works for you. Do something that gets you moving and evokes the she-woman (or he-man) in you.