Making the Most of Spring

Making the Most of Spring

In Wisconsin (where I grew up), Spring can mean any type of weather. It could be a 70-degree day or snowstorm… maybe even in the same week. I’ve also lived in Chicago and Washington, DC where Springtime can be equally volatile. My transient experiences have given me the expertise to say that Georgia, where I live now, truly has the best Spring.

Georgian Spring means the weather is cool in the morning, hot in the afternoon, and cools down at night, usually with a breeze. You can wear shorts, be embarrassed by your white legs, and enjoy refreshing cocktails as you bask in the sunshine. Springtime also means that everything is budding and bright green.

My husband and I recently hosted my parents for Easter and we were fortunate with the most perfect Georgia spring days, which served as the inspiration for this topic: Making the most of Spring.

There are varying statistics, but on average it’s told that Americans spend 90% of our life indoors. Let me spell that out: N I N E T Y P E R C E N T. That means that on average we only spend 10% of our life outside. To break that down, of the 168 hours we have in a week, that’s 151 of them spent inside; not outside. Of the 730 hours in a month, that’s 657 of them spent inside; not outside. That’s too many inside hours, folks. So, how to make the most of spring?

Be spontaneous with your life. Springtime doesn’t last forever and the perfect days that it brings are gone in 24 hours. So when they occur, take advantage. Be willing to drop what you’re doing and go for a walk outside. Instead of eating dinner at the kitchen table, throw it in a cooler and head to a park for a picnic. Call a buddy to grab a drink outside on a local bar patio. Don’t eat inside your office cafeteria or at your desk… go outside! Be spontaneous and go for it.

Explore nature. This may be my personal favorite springtime activity. There are amazing resources available to help you plan a hike, a bike ride, or a drive to somewhere you’ve never been. Take some time, right now, to pick three destinations you want to explore that meet at least two of these criteria: You’ve never been before, are outside, are accessible in two hours or less (because any more than that and you won’t be spontaneous).

Eat Spring’s Food. You know I love to eat and Springtime truly supports that love of mine. With springtime comes an abundance of roadside stands and farmers markets all selling local veggies, fruits, bread, lettuces, and more! As you head out to do your Saturday morning grocery run, first head the local farmers market and stock up on your produce. Be curious about what you find and ask questions. The vendors want to help you and want to help you pick out just the right amount and type of what you’re looking for or will offer a substitute for a typically store-bought ingredient.

I’m taking my own advice, by the way. My husband and I prioritize walks around the neighborhood to see what’s bloomed and move our dinners to our porch. We also jump in the car to our favorite local trail within 20 minutes of us and enjoy the view from the top of the mountain. You’ve got the time, I’ve got the time, so make the most of it!

Need help finding a local hike? Or a state park to explore? Try these resources: All Trails | | America’s State Parks

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