5 Simple Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tips

5 Simple Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tips

During the week things are busy in our house. Really, things are busy every day, but Monday – Friday seems to always bring a bit of extra crazy to our lives. When it comes to weeknight meals, I try to make them simple, limit the use of kitchen utensils and pots and pans (because I don’t want to spend an hour washing dishes), and utilize these Simple Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep shortcuts.

I’m not trying to add hours to my day or take away from precious weekend time with my family, so these Simple Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tips fit into my normal meal planning, prep, and cooking routines, and are difference makers when it comes to weeknight dinners.

Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tip #1: Always Freeze Half

This rule applies to many things when it comes to meal prep, but for me, sauces and rotisserie chicken are the primary contenders. Yes, those are wildly different things, but I promise it makes sense! Whenever I make a sauce (think stir-fry, tomato sauce, etc.), I make a double batch, use one for the meal I’m currently making, and freeze the other half for the next time I cook up the same or similar delicious meal.

Our local grocery store sells Rotisserie Chicken as a “buy two get a better price” type of deal, so I always buy two. When I bring them home from the grocery store, I let them cool on the kitchen counter, then shred each chicken. I typically use one for the current meal I’m making (such as Chicken Salad) and freeze the other for an easy lunch, salad topping, pasta, etc. later on in the week or month.

Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tip #2: Pre-chop and Portion Onions

Do you like chopping onions? Me neither. Also, most of the time for a single recipe about ½ cup of diced onions is perfect. But! Onions don’t come in ½ cup portions; they usually render at least a full cup. So, whenever I need to dice up an onion, I dice up two and freeze them in ½ cup portions (give or take).

Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tip #3: Pre-portion Meats for Your Family’s Size

I really love grocery shopping and pride myself on finding the best deals in the grocery store. Usually, the best deals in the grocery store don’t come in small packages, they come in large packages, especially meat. When browsing for the perfect package of chicken thighs/breasts, I look for one that is relatively even in weight (such as 3.06 lbs vs. 4.35), then when I get home from the store I freeze them in 1 pound portions in labeled, zip-top bags, making them easy to grab from the freezer in the morning and thaw out in time for a weeknight dinner.

If you have more than three people in your family, portion according to what makes the most sense for you!

Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tip #4: Steamable Vegetables

One of the greatest discoveries for our family is the steamable vegetables you can find in the freezer section of any grocery store. They take 5 minutes to steam, require absolutely no clean-up, and are the quickest side dish you’ve ever made! I keep them all in the same relative spot in the freezer so I know exactly where to reach in and grab a bag. There are fabulous organic and variety options – we love the steamable broccoli florets by Steamfresh – even my son Hudson approves!

Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tip #5: Organize Your Freezer

Have you ever tried to pull food out of your freezer only to end up with a pack of chicken on the kitchen floor, ice cubes strewn about, you ripped a bag of blueberries on the freezer drawer (which are now everywhere), and you still haven’t found what you needed? Me too.

The key to avoiding this is organizing your freezer so you know where to find things but also so that you can quickly (and in a mess-free way) get things out of your freezer to make your weeknight meal. I organize my freezer by meats, fruits and vegetables, then prepared frozen foods and loaves of bread. I also stack items according to when I plan to use them, by size, then by type. It will take you less than 5 minutes but will save you 50, and possibly gray hairs, too.

The next time you make your grocery list or think ahead to your family’s meal plan, remember these 5 Simple Freezer-friendly Weeknight Meal Prep Tips tips! Figure out which suits your life and give it a go! Oh, and if you liked this article, check out this one about my top 5 Must-Have Condiments for Everyday Cooking.

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